How to convert inches to mm
The easy way

Conversion of quantities is one of the major dilemmas that people experience when working with different kinds of measurements. For example, you may have trouble when trying to convert inches to mm or convert feet to centimeters. All these conversions require knowledge of basic mathematical and analytical skills with which you arrive at the correct result. So let us take a look at some of the common methods which can help to convert inches to millimeters.

Some proven methods for converting inches to millimeters:

•Get a grip over the relationship that exists between millimeters and inches –As per internationally accepted conventions, one inch corresponds to 25.4 millimeters. This convention is accepted worldwide and you can use this to base your conversions. Likewise, one millimeter has roughly 0.0393 inches. Once you get a hang of this relationship, it would be a lot easier for you to proceed with the task of converting inches to mm.

•Blind multiplication by 25.4– The magic number involved when trying to convert inches to mm is 25.4. So you can just blindly go ahead and multiply the inches measurement with this number and you will get the corresponding millimeter measurement immediately. This method will be helpful for all those who want to avoid 'learning curve' in getting to know how the quantities co-exist with each other.

For example, if you want to convert 7 inches to millimeter, just multiply it by 25.4

7 X 25.4 = 177.8 mm

•Using an accurate ruler – Majority of modern day rules come with both inches and millimeter markings on them. So if you can measure the inches quantity in your ruler then you can easily find the corresponding millimeter marking on it.

•Using online measurement converters – You can find plenty of online measurement conversion tools on the internet that allow you to get results instantly. All you need to do is enter quantity that needs to be converted to millimeters into the text area and press the convert button and voila! The result gets displayed on your screen.

•Conversion charts – Conversion charts have some of the commonly used quantities that you can quickly read off them. So you don't need to waste your time performing manual calculations in finding out the answer you need.

The methods listed above are genuine and come in handy when you need results that are precise and void of any errors. So using them will only make your life easier when attempting to convert inches to mm.